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Predicting Obesity Based of Smoking, Physical Inactivity, and Sleep


Obesity(Smoking) = 0.51225(Smoking) + 9.87592


There is a positive linear relationship between obesity and amount of smoking

Obesity(Inactivity) = 0.59916 (Inactivity) + 9.87592


There is a positive linear relationship between obesity and amount of physical inactivity


Obesity(Sleep) = -0.14209 (Sleep) + 9.87592


There is a negative linear relationship between obesity and the amount of sleeping.

In this segment, we analyzed if there was multicollinearity between smoking, obesity, physical inactivity and sleeping. After constructing a multi-linear model and looking at Mallow's coefficient and adjusted r-squared, we deemed that Smoke, Sleep and Inactivity were the best predictors for Obesity. ​


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